Friday, December 17, 2010

Hello again: I tried to send this messge below last night but for some reason or other I couldn't here it is today for your reading pleasure (!?). Debbie

Christmas greetings one and all.....what a day it was as we enjoyed Christmas festivities at the school today. The celebration was down scaled a bit due to the fact school was closed for nearly a week due to the hoopla after the election results, but never the less the kids did a fine job of their poetry recitals and songs they sang. I just wish there could have been more of an audience beside myself, Clovis and the teachers. But alas, such was the case, but I don't think it made us enjoy it any less.

As per tradition the kids were served chicken with their rice and beans and a glass of juice and then each recieved a Christmas package with
various goodies inside.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I got through each class and not missing anyone..that was my worse fear...especially since I was organizing all of this on my own.....instead of dreaming of sugar plums, I was dreaming of Christmas packages.

I smiled to myself when I heard several of the teachers telling the kids not to open their packages in the chapel and also when I saw the older kids quickly checking out what was in their package as soon as they got outside the chapel...just like kids anywhere else in the world!

I am just so thankful that the week was quiet which permitted me to get all of the supplies we needed for the party and just as important getting the banking done so Christmas bonuses and Dec pay could also be distributed today as per tradition. Tomorrow morning, I play Mrs Claus to some of the neighbourhood kids and families then I will be ready to enjoy the weekend with Wilner.

Monday is the day that the final election results will be announced. There is a lot of speculation and question about exactly what will follow as none of the issues from the Nov 28 vote have really been resolved. All I know is there are lots of various sundry groups of people...politicians, religious leaders, International supporters and others meeting trying to come up with a solution that the majority will find acceptable. Everyone is just hoping and praying that we will not see the same sort of violent reaction as we did after the 28th. I heard a report on the radio yesterday of a British journal article stating that after Somalia, Haiti was the most politically unstable country in the world. I don't know on what they based their point of view but it was an interesting revelation to me.

In the meantime folks, enjoy the peace and calm to go about their daily business. However as if all of the other goings on were not enough, today news is going around that the gas stations do not have any gasoline! Finally there is calm to go out and about and now no gas for the can imagine everyone's frustrations! Hopefully the news of a tanker arriving in a day or two is true.

So that is the state of affiairs this side of the ocean. Wishing you a joyful 4th Advent weekend.

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