Monday, February 7, 2011

Feb 7, 2011....the day President Preval was to step down as President but didn't. It seems his plan to stay until May 15 to see a new elected President take his place, may come to pass. There were demonstrations in downtown PAP, Cap Haitian and in the Artibonite Valley (between St Marc and Gonaives) but that didn't amount to as much as some people had hoped. Comments on the radio queried where were all the political leaders who had been calling for the annulation of the election and for Preval to leave today......their absence and lack of comment today was very apparent today. Some said they seem to have lost steam since the final election results were announced.....even though less than half of the CEP officers have agreed to sign off on the results. So things are still a little cloudy and will continue to curry our interest over the weeks to come, before March 20. Now the next big question is how to organize the next round of elections, to correct the faults of the first round and to ensure a more honest and correct election on the 20th.

The VOH school functioned today as normal but a number of schools in the city were closed as many were being cautious not knowing how big and/or unruly the demonstrations would be and not wanting to take any chances on student's being caught in the middle of things. It is amazing that the kids learn anything what with all of the disruptions to their school year and the stressful situations and challenges, that face each day.

We will see how things open tomorrow but it seems hopeful that we will be able to welcome, as planned, the medical team scheduled to arrive on Thurs. They are as anxious to come as we are to have them here with us for the week.

Keep your prayers coming for peace and calm to reign over Haiti and for safe travels for those who are planning to join us this week.

until next time.....Peace be with you.

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