Hello and good Sunday afternoon: There is never a dull moment around here as was witnessed this afternoon when Joel came in and told me the hydro pole outside our gate with some of our electrical attachments for Hope House electricity connected to it. You could actually see flames coming out of the top of it. There were gray skies overhead and I was praying that the rain would come and help us out. But no luck!
Not long after a wire burned through and one of the elements detached from its place but we still had electricity. I will not tell you what happened over the next hour but before EDH who was supposedly called by a neighbour, could do anything, the whole wire fell, there was a loud exploding sound and now for sure we had no electricity.
We finally got the fire out as "fireman" Joel went up the extension ladder with your hose and hallelujah.....the water pressure and the stretch of his arm was enough to just get the water to the top of the pole. Then one of the neighbours who was helping out came with a long pole which we tied the hose to and that really did the trick. Joel was able to direct the nozzle of the hose right into the middle of the pole. That was a relief!
Now I know that a trip to the EDH office's is added to my list of chores for tomorrow. Luckily it is quite nearby. I just hope it won't take too long to get things back in order. I have heard we have an employee of EDH (in the upper levels) who lives further down our road so maybe that will help. We have been very fortunate to have a lot of electricity lately so we are getting "spoiled".
...and I wondered what I would write about to you today.
Other than that life goes on. Probably most of you are more up to date than I on the Cholera situation as you watch the nightly news. My mom called today and told me the airport was closed....I didn't even get that news here. I was out and about on Saturday and everything was business as usual...or at least in the area I travelled through.
The elections are Sunday and not surprisingly things are getting a little stirred up as the different parties and their supporters make their last ditch efforts for support and to make their points known. Of course the Cholera epidemic for sure has been added to the mix and needless to say the UN is dealing with what I think would be a public relations nightmare, since a group of their troops is being blamed for the outbreak in the Artibonite Valley.
Wilner tells me it is waning a bit in his neck of the woods but I know it will be sometime before it finishes making its rounds in the country and things are "back to normal".
I leave you with a picture or two of Joel putting out the fire.
yea Joel! Good work on the electrical fire outside Hope House...glad you are all safe and I also hope the power comes on again and all repairs are finished soon. Tomorrow we celebrate our Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. I know Kurt and I are thankful to have met Debbie, Joel & everyone associated with Hope House & VOH. Best wishes to all.