Pancakes got the fellows stoked up for their days activities..the first one of them being loading up the truck with the tarps and plastic sheeting we were handing out to the school support staff after church today. We were all loaded up and on the road by just after 8:30....a little early for church but we had filming to do and orientation to give as all of the members of the team, except one are newcomers to Haiti. Joseph was zipping along but I asked him to slow down a little so that pictures and filming along the route could take place. He slowed down all right....we then crawled the rest of the way to the school.
The church service for the fellows was as touching for them as it had been for Nick and John two weeks ago. I also was very moved as I listened to their version of Amazing gave me goosebumps....they didn't tell me they had some singers in the group.
The staff were so appreciative of the tarps and sheeting that they distributed. To all who participated in making this gift possible I send a great BIG thank you! Knowing the comfort that those tarps will bring to they and their families is also a comfort to me.
After church we did a little circuit tour of a section of PAP. I know the team was anxious to see some of the ravages of the earthquake but I was also wanting to be sensitive to our Haitian brothers and sisters and not just have us traveling around as a bunch of blanc tourists. I am pleased with how the day went and everyone was quite respectful of the situation. Seeing the real thing with your own eyes, does make the reality of it all sink in a bit deeper and I know all of them were very affected by what they saw today. Jorel and Elysee two of the church school leaders joined us for lunch at Epi Dor a local bakery and fast food restaurant.
The Scouts from Todd's church donated a tent and it was decided to give it to Joseph as a "tip" for the driving he has been doing for the team. He and his family have been living under a tree and have only been able to recuperate very limited items from the rooms they rented. I think he was nearly in tears as he was recieving the gift and saying his thanks to Todd. He left one VERY HAPPY man knowing that he would be better able to provide for his family having this tent in hand.
I will have a picture of that presentation for you tomorrow. Tonight you get a picture of me happy as a clam, BBQing our dinner hot dogs on the newly fixed up and repaired BBQ. The second picture is of the fellows singing Amazing Grace at the chapel.

and there you have it for another day.
Debbie, U are blessed to have our friends among you. LOL at the musician surprise. Joe Tobi & Bill Cole are experienced choir members and Paul Harris is an accomplished guitarist/singer in his own right.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to read someone has been videotaping. The project of editing the raw footage may fall to me when the gang returns and I look 4ward to reliving the trip in that vein.
We printed out 12 pages of blogs, pics, etc and put up a HUGE easel for all PalmaCeia UMC to see this morning. All were amazed by the stories and we continue to pray for the mission at VOH.
Blessings, Jim Hooper