Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello all: Has this team only been here 1 day!!!......with the amt they have achieved it feels like it could be a week or more. It is incredible what they have achieved: ceiling lights working and tiles replaced, hardware supplies and tools all sorted out and organized, my office cleaned up, shelves repaired, new shelves set up, the damaged wall to the depot taken it wouldn't fall down and hurt anyone; my toilet fixed, the BBQ fixed (yahoo 'BBQ hot dogs for dinner tomorow). The biggest part though was taking down the damaged part of the roof and shoring up the part that is still standing. They worked HARD. I was so busy answering to calls of "Debbie" from various directions and doing some housekeeping myself that I didn't get to take any pictures today of the busy beaves, except one. They say too many cooks spoil the broth but the fellows all helping with the roof, seemed to make it you will see with my one loan picture. I asked Christophe to come today and he was also a big help to the team.

Paul had the most frustrating day as he tried to deal with the Internet service which came to a halt last night and wasn't working today. Finally after a call to Ron in Washington, to get Darrell's phone number in Florida we were able to make progress. Paul called Darrell and I managed to find a phone number for Hope House ( which I accidently came across two days ago). That information helped out when Darrell managed to set up a three way conversation between Paul on his fancy cell phone, himself and a Hughesnet Tech support person in India......isn't that just incredible when you think about it!!!....modern technology does reduce the size of this world that is for sure.
At any rate they found out the problem was these guys coming with all of their fancy phones, computers, skype etc ended up exceeding our 24 limit of gigabytes and we were "cut off". Luckily we get one free reset every month, so that is why I am now able to send this message out to you.

Andy's big experience was going "shopping" with Jean for hardware supplies, soft drinks and other refreshments and changing money to boot. He got to see how the system works and the many different stops that one has to make to get everything you want.

All in all it was a very productive day....I think the fellow are pleased with the accomplishments...I can tell you I DEFINATELY am!

and that my friends is it for this fine Saturday evening....wishing you all blessings for the day.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all you are doing there, Debbie! I hope the team has a blessed, safe and productive week! Marni
