The team has enjoyed the Sunday church service with the kids but the real highlight was attending the closing recital presented by the three kindergarden classes. What a delight it was.....I can honestly say that attending these events always brings a tear to my eye. It brings home to me how important our Mission is, in providing these kids the opportunity of an education. Monday was definately "kids" day. We proceeded from the school to Little Children of Jesus, arriving in time to help feed some of the children. Gladys was preparing for a staff meeting (before she heads out on holidays next week) so we didn't stay too long after meal time was over. We did take advantage of the visit to deliver more of the donated goods we had for her. The day ended with our visit to Marie's kids....also taking advantage of the visit there to delivery yet more donated goods....this time it was school binders to be given to the kids when school opens. Marie "escaped" for several days of R&R, so we didn't get to see her. However Gina and Fresnel took good care of the visitors.
Today was our visit to Food for the Poor. The traffic getting there was unbelievable!! We got in a traffic jam like I have never seen before. Finally some police officers with support of UN security took charge of straightening out the mess. After about 20 minutes we were finally able to make our turn up the road where we were headed. It sure was an eye opener for my guests.
In between time we have been organizing and moving boxes around in the various depots. Bob and his helper got cutting wood for desks and even better, shelving for the depot! What a blessing that is going to be. We opened up space for the shelves with our shuffling of boxes, plus another delivery of chairs, desks etc to Gladys helped out a lot.
Its time to go and join the other folks for their devotional period. I will leave you with a couple of pictures to enjoy.
Choir Practice -preparing to sing at the Sunday church service
Opening the Kindergarden recital. The K3 graduates led the way....they will move up to Primary school when school opens in Oct.
Darryl and Pastor Keith, putting the finishing touches on the depot shelves....aren't they great! (the shelves that is...and yes the two guys are great too)
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