Today he thinks he solved the problem....hallelujah.....the other nigth I was up every 15-20 minutes resetting the darn thing...I did allow myself two hours of sleep and said to heck with the fridge and freezer for that bit of time.
The saying doesn't rain but it pours and that has been true this week. Not only did the container shipment arrive, but a donation of clothes collected by a friend arrived and then another donation of goods collected by Advent church I ever glad of that new is packed and so is every other depot and the little apt house.
Several ladies of next week's team were worried they wouldn't have enough work to do......that is sure not the case. I think I have enough to keep the next several teams we have to sort out, organize, count and deliver the goods to various places or arrange to have them picked up.
I have very much appreciated the efforts of this VBS team which I am going to nick name the Energizer team as they just kept on going like the Engergizer Bunny.
The "delivery" uses the resources at hand.....the dump truck part of it was great for emptying all of the 2 x 4's out of it. The driver just hoisted the back end and they all slipped out of the truck to the ground. You can see one of the wheelbarrows being off loaded.. They were put to immediate use hauling boxes of goods to the depots.
Speaking of which,here is Becky delivering some goods herself...lots of school binders for the kids to go back to school with.
Just to show you that I don't just wave the baton around as the conductor.....geez..I didn't know the top of my head was so white!!
First row LtoR: Steve, Lisa, Greg, Janis
Second row LtoR: Christa, Pastor Rich, Matt, Martina, Becky, Cassie
Top row LtR: Mark, Barrett, Drew, Pastor Veronica
they are standing in front of the stacks of rice at Food for the Poor..all will be delivered within a month to 6 weeks!
Now I bid you good night..until next time. ..Debbie
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