Sunday after making an appearance at three different church services we were off to Fleetwood/Dryville/Kutztown area of Pennsylvania with Dick and Sara Hafer and Toni Markey. We were loaded to the hilt. The truck was tied down as we couldn't shut it and I had Jorel's suitcase on my lap for the duration of the trip. We had a wonderful reunion with the "Earthquake Team", their families and friends. Linda and Bill Messersmith were our hosts and as everwhere else we were treated like Royalty.
In the afternoon we visited the Fleetwood Middle School to thank the kids for the efforts in Fund raising to help the Village of Hope. Through their efforts 4 children (at least) will be supported during the school year. It is incredible to me when I learned the kids were in grades 5-8. Picture below are some members of the grade 5 class several of whom made up the steering committee that headed up their efforts. The next day we visited the high school attended by Aaron Messersmith (who was a part of the January team) and spoke with about 50 of his school mates.
The visit was topped off with a singsong at the farm home of a local Mennonite Family. That was the "payment" requested of Jorel for the use of their accordian. After Jorel played a number of tunes (as well as two of the Weaver children) we were treated to a chorus or two by the family members.....their harmonizing was something to hear!
I am enjoying the heat of Florida after the few chilly days we experienced in Pennsylavania. The warmth of our welcome there more than made up for the chilly temperatures we felt outside. One of the bonuses of the trip has been enjoying the beauty of all of the flowering trees and shrubs in both Virginia and Pa. A real treat for my eyes, that is for sure!!
Since Wed. evening I have been enjoying St Petersburgh staying at the friends of VOH and myself.
While I work away here, Rene is busy in the kitchen getting various goodies ready for the l "soiree" she and Richard are hosting this evening, for some of their friends and church members who have supported the Village of Hope. Tomorrow, we be attending the regional meeting at Faith Lutheran Church in Sarasota.
That is a nutshell is how we have spent our days since leaving Haiti on the 8th.
a la prochaine,
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