Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Friday to all: It was a quick turn around for us this week as we said goodbye to the Step in Faith team on Wed and today greeted the gang that hails from Alexandria Va.

Yesterday the break day was filled with personnel issues, banking activites, grocery shopping and a few other errands along the way. I was quite pleased as things went well at the bank and my new set of cheques arrived...just in time for May!! It was amazing too as there was no line up when I arrived and I just walked right into the bank..that was a first.

This morning Odney (our new chauffeur) and I headed out to the school to deliver propane gas and to do a couple of other things and then we headed to the airport to pick up Julie and Jennifer who arrived two hours before the others. We had an enjoyable time sitting at the back of the camion under the shade of a lovely tree with a nice breeze blowing. Where we parked market ladies cook food for the passerby and for folks working at the airport..such as the police officers. While we sat, several officers started talking with us as they were surprised I spoke Creole so well. Before too long the gals were engaged in the conversation and before you know it the one officer was wanting to get hooked up with Julie. We did have fund kidding back and forth and it sure helped to pass the time.

After a quick lunch and orientation the team got quickly too work unpacking their suitcases and sorting out other items for me. My little depot is quickly filling up. Happily the new cement depot will soon be ready to use and I will be able to transfer all of the suitcases to store them there for a start.

Greer and Tom used their skills to fix my office door....I had to break into it the other night as I had left my keys at my office at the school. They did a fine job of putting in a hasp...a new and improved one at that!

I didn't mention this last week but team members are handy folks to have around. Last week Rene and Ray helped me get the kitchen freezer working had been clogged up with ice.

It is amazing all of the free lessons I am getting...and all very much appreciated.

No pictures tonight..those I will post tomorrow..the service is very slow tonight and it is getting past my bedtime.

Here is a little thought for you to mull over as you close the day: "The beauty of the world about us is only according to what we ourselves bring to it" - A Shaker saying.


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