The trip to Agape was like Christmas for me as a surprise goodie package arrived for me from my mom and also two packages with books in them from my friend in Holland. One of the surprisingly has the title "The Lazarus Project"....isn't that incredible. I can't wait to get my nose into it to see what it is all about. (Thanks Mom and Els!)
It may seem funny but I think everyone was more exhausted from this type of day than one filled with various odd jobs. Probably sitting in the sun has something to do with that. Even I came home and flopped on my bed for 20 minutes.
The last two days were filled with preparing for the food distribution (Thurs) and distributing it Friday. Thurs we loaded a 110 boxes of rice meals ONTO the truck and then OFF of the truck once we got to the school. That was a job in and of itself.
Visits to Little Children of Jesus and Marie's girls topped off Friday afternoon for us.
Since they say a picture says a thousand words, I will finish with a few photos for you.
The team known as the "Count off 1-2-3 Team" may not have been so good at counting to keep track of things but they sure could work and assembly line.
Kurt, Kathy, Devin, Perry, Jennifer, Beth, Trisha, Brittan and Julienna ...happy campers now that the bags are filled with Sardines, rice meals, spaghetti, beans and vienna sausage.
All 650 bags filled and waiting to be handed out...I finally figured out why my shoulders and back of my neck were was from lugging all of the those bags from the back room to the front room.....supposedly for invetory control but it still didn't come out right....oh well we had what we needed to hand out!
Marie's girls enjoyed playing with the bubbles...this little sweetie kept at it until all of the bubble liquid was done.
While some played, others could only sleep with your best friend while their foot was in your face. ...ah to be at such peace! With that I wish you a good night and a peaceful and spirit filled Sunday. I am off to my own place of slumber to enjoy going through my mail and maybe getting my nose into the magazines my mom sent.
good night ....Debbie
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