At one time I looked around and everyone was working away at something: Roselene and Carline cooking up a storm, Jeff, Odney, Fleury and others hauling rock to fill in the pothole at the end of the road, Jean and Christophe unloading cement block; Cathy and Lisa sorting clothes and bagging dried beans. Various others were painting desks and doors and the rest building the new desks designed for the school. They are easier for the kids to get under for protection in case of another earthquake and they are also a little sturdier to withstand things falling on them. Mark made the new design (with input from Clovis and I) and they managed to get 10 of them made this week. ..aren't you exhausted just reading this. Just think how they feel!!

Above: L.Jason and Greg adding legs to the desk
R. Dan brave enough to paint with red!
Below: L. Jeff and Blane haul rock to fill the pothole. Two police officers even stopped to give them the thumbs up for their work.
R. Krista putting on the first coat of paint on the new desks and benches.
Our visit to Food for the Poor was as interesting and touching as usual. The staff at FFTP was pleased as they are in the midst of recieving a new shipment of rice. The last time I was there they were all out. Now there are STACKS of it.
The gang helped dish out the food at the Canteen while I went to hunt down a box that was shipped for VOH and to check in about a house that is to be built for a staff member. Unfortunately although FFTP is building houses in the rural areas, they still have not recieved the go ahead for the PAP area....thus we are now in a holding pattern until the Ministry of Public Works gives the high sign. This is related to ensuring the buildings are earthquake "proof".

The Shop til you Drop team did not let me down today and lived up to their name when we went to the local market to pick up "souvenirs" to take home.such as spicey peanut butter, Haitian coffee and other such items.
We closed the day with a heartwarming sing song led by our two guitar players, Dan and Christa. It was delightful! Christa is heading off to Uganda for a year's Mission and I know the folks their will benefit from her guitar playing and her lovely voice on top of it.
Good night...until next time take care
Thanks again for your posts! We really appreciate it.