I waved the "Spotted Blancs" off this AM from Hope House and left them in Joseph's good hands to get to the airport. This enabled me to get a few items taken care of before I headed off to the routine Tues mtg with MSPP.
Before completing today's events, I will back track to yesterday. As has been the case with the last couple of teams visits to Food for the Poor nutrition center, Little Children of Jesus Orphanage and Marie's girls touched everyone's hearts in ways that are not always easy to express. Several of the group participated in serving up the rice and bean sauce for the family members coming to collect the daily rations at Food for the Poor. They too were surprised how tiring it was on the arm muscles doing that little task. Just think of the arms the Haitian staff must have!! they do it day in and day out for 1,000 families.
Before heading to LCJ, the next stop was my apt for the big clean up. It was like a whirlwind went through my place.....WOW if you ever need a cleaning crew, I know who to recommend. There is still some to be done, but it will be MUCH EASIER to face doing the little bit that remains instead of what had been there before!....thanks again everyone for lightening my load!!
The team had two large hand puppets with them and what a hit they were at LCJ. Roselore grabbed on to "Jesus" and was cradling him like her baby. Stevenson had a great time marching around with "Moses". The other big hit of the day was blowing bubbles. I think the crew could have spent all afternoon there but all too soon it was time for goodbyes so we could get to Grace Mission for craft time with the girls.
Just imagine what it was like organizing 32 mostly young girls, to get their names written on cloth bags and then to have their hands painted so they could put their hand prints on the one side of the bag....If you are imaging utter chaos...you are right, but oh what fun it was! Cee Cee had the top story of the day, when she told us of handing out the little packages of jelly beans she gave just before we left. As some of the girls were scrambling to get the last packages, one of the younger ones, took her last jelly bean and broke it in two and offered one half to Cee Cee.....I don't think any candy Cee Cee has ever eaten, tasted so good to her as that one little bit of jelly bean!
Now I jump to today and my meeting. It was a good exercise even though I had to leave before we were done. I met more folks working in the Ganthier area.....one of them wants to do environmental projects in school...like planting trees and gardens. I told him of our school and ideas of gardening and as a result we exchanged info and will be in touch over the coming weeks. Maybe something will come of it. It is good getting to meet some of the others working in our section of the dept. It definately makes it worth while to attend these meetings.
This evening Marie and the 10 fellows visiting/working with her came down for dinner. The team was headed up by Jim Meyer who many may recall stayed at Hope House with Shawn several weeks after the Earthquake, while they helped at Marie's. They did a number of projects..one of which was putting up a new shelter area for a temporary church in the courtyard of the school. I didn't get a picture today, but I will on another visit.
And that brings you up to date. Now that my team as gone, I will have the chance to listen to the news of the day, and may have other headlines to pass on tomorrow.
Have a good evening one and all.
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