Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello once again: Another day has flown by with much accomplished.

1. Sent the various teams off to their work sites.....Little Children of Jesus and the school.
2. Showed the school team the cracks in the walls that needed repairing and escorted Rebecca to my office where she cleaned and re-stocked shelves.
3. Caught up with the Mayor of Ganthier and now hold the signed letter authorizing our building for the health center in my hands. He was very pleased with the donation of rice and plastic sheeting that I delivered yesterday. I pray it will be given to those in need.
4. Returned to the school to meet up with Clovis to discuss various school related items
5. Met up with Dr Randy Smith (from Pittman Park Methodist church in Statesboro Ga) and his team at the Hotel Concorde where they had been staying while working at Hopital Eben Ezer. Despite a few hiccoughs along the way, they had a good week and saw over 700 patients in the 3 1/2 days they held clinics.
6. Gave the team a tour of Little Children of Jesus and ended up running a mini clinic for their staff. It was Glady's first day back (she looks like a new person.....the rest obvioulsy did her good) and we created quite a stir for her but she was so grateful for the care provided to her staff.
7. Made a quick visit to Marie's .......they have had a police escort all week (their Haitian friend felt it would be good to have the extra security) and this fellow was very nervous having them roam our neighbourhood and he wanted them to get a move on. To us it was no different than normal but we cut it short and got everyone moving. News at Marie's.....she has moved the girls to their new sleeping quarters she has created at the back of the churchyard. She had all new showers and Latrines built for them. The yard is still quite the mess but now at least there is no danger of the ruined building falling on them.
8. Stopped at Hope House to recieve the large donation of drugs and supplies that Randy and crew were leaving behind for me to divide between VOH and any other organizations that could use it. I managed to help them as they needed some Cipro of which I had a small supply left behind by the last team.
9. Booked Randy's return to VOH with his team for a medical clinic in October
10. Heated and served up dinner...a delicious Haitian boullion (stew) filled with plantain, yams, potatoes, carrot, militon and other good stuff.
11. Did a laundry
12. Participated in devotion time with the team...perfectly timed as the rain started coming down just as we finished......I am so happy thinking that our staff and their families were staying a little drier thanks to the generosity of so many back home.
13. Sold some greeting cards and book marks
14. Finally..sending off this missive to you.

One of the team highlights for today was music time with Jorel. While cleaning up the depot the other day, I found a bag with various percussion type instruments in it....tambourines, triangles and sticks, marachies and other. I thought the kids would love having them to shake, rattle and clang as Jorel played the accordian. The crew took the bag along with them today and sure enought the kids LOVED it. Apparently it was quite a lively session. We will have to wait for the team pictures in order to see them in action as unfortunately I was elsewhere when they had music hour.

Instead I attach a picture of Dr Randy and team unloading the generous gift of drugs and supplies left for Blessed we are.

and with that...I bid you a fond goodnight.

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